Bombo's computer repair services, Hialeah and Miami Florida area. In the USA

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(Servicing areas of Dade and South Broward County cities.)
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But you can contact Carlos if you live in Miami and get a reasonable rate and an excellent service with free extras included. 786.447.9301


Four Main Misconceptions About Computer Maintenance and Repair


#1: If your computer is working fine right now, it does not need any maintenance.

This is probably one of the biggest and most deadly misconceptions that most computer users fall victim to. Computers are just like cars. If you don’t change the oil, change the filter, rotate the tires, flush the transmission, and perform other regular maintenance on your car, it will eventually break down and cost you FAR MORE to repair than the cost of the basic maintenance.

There are certain maintenance checks that need to be done daily (like virus updates and spam filtering), weekly (like system backups), and monthly or quarterly (like checking for and installing security patches and updates, disk defrag, spyware detection and removal, checking the surge suppressor and the integrity of the hard drive, and so on). Your computer repair technician should be adamant that you have regular maintenance done on your machine and should offer to set up automatic virus definition updates, spam filtering (to avoid viruses), and automatic system backups OFF-SITE.

If your technician does not press you to let him do this for you, then RUN – don’t walk – out of their office. Lack of system maintenance is the NUMBER ONE reason most people end up losing valuable files and incurring heavy computer repair bills. If your technician isn’t offering you these services, you need to find someone else to support your computer.

Cell  786.447.9301 www. bomboscomputerrepair.comReason techy don't do this, is mainly because they recognize that they are profiting from your computer problems and don’t want to recommend steps towards preventing you from needing their help on an ongoing basis.

#2: My nephew/neighbor’s kid/brother-in-law knows this computer stuff and can help me solve my problems.

If only this were true. Obviously, not all technicians are created equal. Just because a person is good with computer applications (what we call a power user) does NOT mean they know how to install a critical security patch, detect and extract a deadly virus, or upgrade your machine.

Most people look for a part time “guru” to help them save money, but this often comes back to haunt them. Every day we get new customers who walk into our shop needing us to clean up a mess that was caused by an inexperienced neighbor, friend, or relative who was just trying to help.

Cell  786.447.9301 www. bomboscomputerrepair.comReason you should know, Technology advances at lightening speed and it takes constant learning and practice to master it. Having a friend or family member touch your PC can be Dangerous to your time and your pcket!

#3: You can always get a better deal on computer software, equipment, or services by shopping online.

The key word here is “deal”. Sure you can always find a cheaper price if you shop online, but you might actually end up getting the short end of the stick. As with anything in life, you get what you pay for. Companies simply cannot give you dirt cheap prices AND champagne service.

Cell  786.447.9301 www. bomboscomputerrepair.comIf you are getting a cheap bargain, chances are you will get very little if NO service after the sale. If something goes wrong, or if you just have a question, you might find out that the customer service line only goes to a voice mail box that never gets checked, or that you have to submit questions via e-mail that takes DAYS to return.

#4: All computer repair Technicians are created equal. Your best option will be the one who offers the lowest price.

Cell  786.447.9301 www. bomboscomputerrepair.comYou get what you pay for. A cheap price usually means a cheap job. Really good technicians do NOT work cheap because they are in high demand. The only technicians that will work cheap are those that are just starting


Please visit this page for a preview of our services. DISC & HARD DRIVES- Bombo's computer repair services, Hialeah and Miami Florida area

Contact Technician for a free quote and pickup & drop-off to limited areas.

WE Come to you, By Appoitment only:  786.447.9301
Technicians in Shop; Maikel, Geroge, Eddy & Carlos Dade County, FL.
(Servicing Parts of Dade County cities.)